Three Trophies In Nonthaburi

Red Knight boys did a great job on the Central Chess on Tour 2020 (Nonthaburi) Tournament, which was played over the weekend. 7 years old Yudai won the U10 category with a perfect 8/8 score! In the same category, Sean got the 1st Runner Up trophy with 6/8. Tonnaaw won the U12 age group with … Read more

International Friendlies Report

Since we found ourselves under a lockdown for more than two months, we decided to make the best out of it. We played some very friendly International Matches with chess friends from all around the globe! It was super exciting, making new friends and testing our skills on International level. During this time, we played … Read more

Chess During Covid (2)

Last week we discussed chess books for different stages of development. I hope that some of you found our recommendations useful. Today we will discuss some interesting chess apps and websites. Again, we are not trying to make a list of the best apps and websites. Instead, we want to help you discover and explore … Read more

Chess During Covid

The world is going through difficult times. Staying home 24/7 is not easy. Every one of us had a routine. We all had daily activities that we looked forward to. Now we must change and adapt to the situation. Hopefully not for long. As chess players, we have one advantage over most people when it … Read more

The Balance

As time goes by, kids are learning more and more topics. Chess is a game that requires learning. The amount of chess theory is staggering. Most of the people who didn’t have any chess experience think of chess as any other board game: you learn few rules about what you can (and can’t) do and … Read more