Chess During Covid

The world is going through difficult times. Staying home 24/7 is not easy. Every one of us had a routine. We all had daily activities that we looked forward to. Now we must change and adapt to the situation. Hopefully not for long. As chess players, we have one advantage over most people when it … Read more

The Balance

As time goes by, kids are learning more and more topics. Chess is a game that requires learning. The amount of chess theory is staggering. Most of the people who didn’t have any chess experience think of chess as any other board game: you learn few rules about what you can (and can’t) do and … Read more

Those Tie-breaks Again

Questions about the tie-breaks are one of the most common questions that arbiters and tournament organizers are asked to explain. Novice players are often confused about so many numbers in the tournament table that make little or no sense at all. They need some clarification. Not so rarely we come across difficult situations – a … Read more

Success in Pattaya

Our Pattaya adventure is over. We came back with lots of good memories of time spent together. We had fun, we played, we laughed. We collected some awards, we won some rating points. We grew as chess players. We learned new things and improved on our mistakes.

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