10 Dreams for Thailand Champion Title!

Our boys and girls did a fantastic job on the Thailand Rapid Championship, last week in Bangkok. Ten of our kids qualified for the finals! Five of them will enter as winners, and another five as 1st Runner Ups. An amazing team performance of which we can all be proud.

This year, the championship was divided into two tournaments. One tournament was played in Chiang Mai, while the other one in Bangkok. Two children from each category qualified for the final, which will be held online on 26th and 27th of this month.

Please note that the Incredible Hulk is not part of our team. We are too strong for him.

Red Knight Chess Team participated in the qualifying tournaments with a record breaking 21 players! Ten kids qualified, and that is a great number, especially considering that some of the kids played in older categories, looking for more experience.

Ten kids, and ten dreams to become youth Champions of Thailand! We wish all the luck in the world to Ninja, Dhi, Ian, Leah, Ariuka, Kate, Tonnaaw, Fren, Safi and Rafael.

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